The dogs are less than impressed. While I'm out pottering in my veggie patch which is slowly taking shape, they are curled up in their beds or on the couch. Spot braved it outside for awhile-when it wasn't raining to see what I was doing...
In the few breaks between rain showers, I was out digging manure into another section of the veggie patch. He decided to help me by sniffing through the manure and digging through it.
Being the wussy defective cattle dog he is, he had to sit on the only dry bit in the backyard...the soil I was digging over! Bloody mongrel doesn't like getting wet!!
The only sad thing about the rain...it tried drowning my seedling raiser. Oh well, lesson learnt. A fish tank with no drainage holes does not go well with 36mm of rain in 24 hours... So currently in the breaks of rain, I am moving all the seedlings that can be moved out and either into the new part of the veggie patch or into toilet rolls filled with soil.
And now with another big lot of rain just falling, time to join my dogs who are still both curled up on the couch!

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