Today was sunny. I love sunny days. Finally, Spring feels like it is actually here-ironically the day after the Spring Equinox, which produced a beautiful full Harvest Moon last night.

I was relatively productive in the garden today. I tackled the weeds in the main veggie bed which I have been procrastinating long enough for all the weeds I had pulled out to be replaced. I also dug some more of the clay out of the bed and broke it up, so more of the patch has a decent depth. I am considering doing a few layers like in no-dig garden beds, on top just to give it a little more depth for plants like carrots.

In amongst the weeds, I have two stacks of two tyres which I grow potatoes in. I was pleasantly surprised to find a few handfuls of small spuds in one. I didn't realise any had grown this year, as I hadn't planted any. They must have grown from a potato I missed last year. I will replant some of the ones I dug up today, as they are too small to eat.
Once that was done, my dogs thought it was time to help. By incubating my potato stacks!!

I made a quick no dig bed on the other side of the fence where I have my smaller patch. It isn't a typical no dig bed, as I didn't have any straw or newspaper. It consisted of a rotting towel I found in the garden to help stop weeds coming through, half dead grass weeds that were pulled out a few days ago, some newly weeded grass and soil from my main veggie patch. Still need to get some straw to mulch the top.

Within this I planted Snake Beans and Telephone climbing peas, both sides of the fence. Following basic companion planting guides, corn and pumpkin will also go in once the seedlings are grown. The corn will go left of [behind] the fence and the pumpkin will go right of [front] the fence. This will allow the pumpkins to spread forward across unused ground.

My zucchini seedlings have also been getting too big for their container in the green house, so I transplanted them into a hardening off pot made from an old aquarium, lined with skoria for drainage and soil from the garden.
The bark on top was just to shield them from the sun earlier in the day, as they were drooping like mad after I moved them. But they have almost all completely perked up again.

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