I honestly love hard rubbish days. You can find some really amazing things that people chuck out. I've picked up little metal cabinets, 50 arrows for archery, solid wooden stools, basket balls...but my latest find would have to probably be the best find I've ever made.

They appear to be low dressers, with the fronts completely done in inlaid mother of pearl designs. I did have to fight with Paul to get him to let me bring them home, but I stand by my reasoning that he got the fridge...I get the dressers! They need a bit of fixing up though, but they will look awesome once finished. The detail in the doors is amazing!

Unfortunately though Paul hates them and won't let me keep them. *pouts* Which means I will sell them once I've restored them.
It's going to be interesting restoring these pieces...I've never really done this kind of work before. The mother of pearl is in reasonable condition which is excellent, except for the handles, where most of it is missing. Time to browse the op-shops for cheap knick-knacks with mother of pearl in them...